Stress may be your heart’s worst enemy

NEW YORK (NYTIMES) – You are probably familiar with these major risk factors for heart disease: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, obesity and physical inactivity. And, chances are, your doctor has checked you more than once for these risks and offered advice or treatment to help ward off a heart attack or stroke.
But has your doctor also asked about the level of stress in your life?
Chronic psychological stress, recent studies indicate, may be as important – and possibly more important – to the health of your heart than the traditional cardiac risk factors. In fact, in people with less-than-healthy hearts, mental stress trumps physical stress as a potential precipitant of fatal and non-fatal heart attacks and other cardiovascular events, according to the latest report.
The study, published in November 2021 in the Jama medical journal, assessed the fates of 918 patients known to have underlying but stable heart disease to see how their bodies reacted to physical and mental stress.
The participants underwent standardised physical and mental stress tests to see if their hearts developed myocardial ischemia – significantly reduced blood flow to the muscles of the heart, which can be a trigger for cardiovascular events – during either or both forms of stress. Then the researchers followed them for four to nine years.
Among the participants who experienced ischemia during one or both tests, this adverse reaction to mental stress took a significantly greater toll on their hearts and lives than physical stress. They were more likely to suffer a non-fatal heart attack or die of cardiovascular disease in the years that followed.
I wish I had known that in 1982, when my father had a heart attack that nearly killed him. Upon leaving the hospital, he was warned about overdoing physical stresses, like not lifting anything heavier than 30 pounds (13.6kg). But he was never cautioned about undue emotional stress or the risks of overreacting to frustrating circumstances, like when the driver ahead of him drove too slowly in a no-passing zone.
The new findings underscore the results of an earlier study that evaluated the relationship between risk factors and heart disease in 24,767 patients from 52 countries. It found that patients who experienced a high level of psychological stress during the year before they entered the study were more than twice as likely to suffer a heart attack during an average follow-up of five years, even when traditional risk factors were taken into account.
The study, known as Interheart, showed that psychological stress is an independent risk factor for heart attacks, similar in heart-damaging effects to the more commonly measured cardiovascular risks, explained Dr Michael Osborne, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.
But what about the effects of stress on people whose hearts are still healthy?
Psychological stress comes in many forms. It can occur acutely, caused by incidents such as the loss of a job, the death of a loved one or the destruction of one's home in a natural disaster.
A recent study in Scandinavia found that in the week following a child's death, the parents' risk of a heart attack was more than three times the expected rate. Emotional stress can also be chronic, resulting, for example, from ongoing economic insecurity, living in a high-crime area or experiencing unrelenting depression or anxiety.
Bereaved parents in the Scandinavian study continued to experience an elevated cardiac risk years later.
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